Recent Local Rule Amendments
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 7
Effective February 3, 2025
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 7, Attorney of Record.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 7.
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 3
Effective September 9, 2024
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 3, Advancing and Passing of Cases.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 3.
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 41
Effective September 9, 2024
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 41, Access to Case Documents. The proposed rule clarifies that the Clerk of Courts is the custodian of records; the terms of availability of remote access; public access to documents in domestic relations cases; and the procedure to request restriction of public access. The rule comports with Rule 44 and Rule 45 of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 41.
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 40
Effective January 26, 2023
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 40, Attorney for Child. The rule governs the appointment of an attorney for a minor child in cases involving the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities. The rule establishes who may be appointed, factors to be considered in making an appointment, responsibilities, compensation, and other matters related to the role. The rule also includes additional requirements related to eligibility to serve.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 40.
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 39
Effective October 6, 2022
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 39, Custody Evaluation. The rule establishes local requirements for the appointment of mental health professionals serving as custody evaluators in accordance with Rules 91.01-91.09 of the Ohio Rules of Superintendence, which were effective September 1, 2022. The Superintendence Rules provide standards to provide accountability and uniformity of practice in how custody evaluations should be conducted, what is to be expected of an evaluator, and court oversight.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 39.
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 26
Effective July 26, 2022
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 26, Domestic Violence. The rule makes minor edits and directs parties where to obtain forms and instructions for filing petitions.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 26.
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 14.1
Effective July 26, 2022
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 14.1, Trial and Hearing Procedures. The rule requires trials and hearings to be heard day-to-day until completed. Under the rule, continuances will be granted for good cause only and decided on a case by case basis.
This rule has been vacated.
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 35
Effective September 15, 2021
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 35, Guardian ad Litem. The rule was modified to align with recent amendments to Superintendence Rule 48 through 48.07. The rule authorizes appointments solely as a guardian ad litem, disallowing a dual appointment as guardian ad litem and attorney for a child in cases involving the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities. It also permits limited scope appointments to address a specific issue or issues.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 35.
Court Adopts Local Rule of Practice 32
Effective December 7, 2020
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 32, Mediation. The rule was modified to comport with recent amendments to Superintendence Rules 16 through 16.36 applicable to Ohio courts. The rule clarifies when mediation can be requested or required; and that a screening process will take place before participation and that participation by attorneys and guardians ad litem may be required. It also addresses the confidentiality of communications and when continuances are permitted.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 32.
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 2
Effective July 27, 2020
Rule 2 has been separated into three parts. Rule 2, 'Assignment of Judges and Consolidation of Cases,' addresses reassignment of cases when a 'family case type' is filed pursuant to H.B. 595, and where necessary, the consolidation of cases. Rule 2.1, 'Administrative Judge and Unavailability of Administrative Judge,' makes capitalization and punctuation changes and does not change content. Rule 2.2, 'Scheduling of Cases,' removes unnecessary provisions, simplifies language, and changes punctuation and capitalization.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 2.
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 31
Effective June 19, 2019
The rule was modified to clarify that registration of a foreign support order or health care order does not necessarily vest the court with jurisdiction to enforce or modify the order. It also clarifies that a petition to register a foreign child custody order must be filed as a separate action.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 31.
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 30
Effective June 19, 2019
The rule was modified to clarify that registration of a foreign custody, parenting time or companionship order does not necessarily vest the court with jurisdiction to enforce or modify the order. It also clarifies that a petition to register a foreign support order must be filed as a separate action, and revises statutory references in accordance with current law.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 30.
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 31
Effective June 19, 2019
The rule was modified to clarify that registration of a foreign support order or health care order does not necessarily vest the court with jurisdiction to enforce or modify the order. It also clarifies that a petition to register a foreign child custody order must be filed as a separate action.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 31.
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 6
Effective April 2, 2019
The rule was modified to clarify that prohibited communications on the merits include counsel of record and self-represented parties.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 6.
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 13.1
Effective April 2, 2019
The rule was modified to apply to self-represented parties. The rule also provides more clarity as to the procedure for objecting and refusing to answer questions and limits the length of depositions.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 13.1.
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 15
Effective April 2, 2019
The rule was modified to require that separate motions be filed for each type of relief requested rather than one motion with several branches, and post-decree motions must include the current addresses of both parties in the caption. The rule also requires that contempt motions identify the specific orders alleged to have been violated; that motions to modify must identify the specific changes of circumstances upon which the motion is based; and that motions to compel must set forth whether it is based upon a failure to respond or an incomplete or evasive response and the specific discovery request alleged to have been violated.
The proposed amendment also makes clear that it is a party’s responsibility to perfect service on the opposing party under Civil Rules, and Instructions for Service must accompany all post-decree motions invoking the jurisdiction of the court.
The proposed amendment also changes the response time for a party opposing a motion from 7 to 14 days.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 15.
Court Adopts Amendment to Local Rule of Practice 7
Effective January 16, 2019
The rule was expanded to provide for the filing of an entry of appearance and for a limited scope appearance as allowed under the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct and the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure. Under the rule, attorneys may file a notice of limited appearance and a notice of completion of limited appearance when terminating limited scope representation, in accordance with the rules and service requirements.
Review the complete adoption of Local Rule 7.