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Rule 14: Mandatory Disclosure

In every new action for divorce or legal separation, the Clerk of Courts will issue a Mandatory Disclosure Order on DR FORM 3.0 at the time the action is filed. Plaintiff shall be deemed served with the Mandatory Disclosure Order upon the initial filing. The Mandatory Disclosure Order shall be served on the defendant with the summons. Within 30 days of the filing of an Answer, each party shall disclose to the other all of the following:

  1. All real estate deeds;
  2. All vehicle titles;
  3. Most recent statements regarding pensions, profit sharing plans, retirement benefits and IRA’s including the most recent summary plan description;
  4. All life insurance policies and most recent cash value statement;
  5. Last three year’s income tax returns;
  6. Proof of year to date current income from all sources;
  7. Health, dental and vision insurance coverage available along with all plan options and costs including the marginal costs for covering the minor children;
  8. COBRA benefits to which either party may be entitled, including cost estimates;
  9. Child care/day care expenses;
  10. Most recent statements regarding all liabilities including, but not limited to mortgages, lines of credit, loans, and credit card accounts;
  11. Financial Disclosure Statement completed pursuant to Local Rule 12;
  12. Antenuptial/Prenuptial agreements;
  13. Any court order involving the minor children or the marriage including administrative support orders.

The disclosure required above shall be made by electronic mail, facsimile, regular mail, or hand delivery to the other party’s attorney, or party if unrepresented. Documents disclosed are not filed with the Court.

Failure to comply with the Mandatory Disclosure Order may result in sanctions, including, but not limited to the following: a finding of contempt, award of attorney fees, dismissal of claims; and restrictions upon the submission of evidence.

(Effective October 1, 2018.)