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Rule 33: Special Process Server

A person may apply to be designated as a "Standing Special Process Server" for cases filed in this Court by filing an application supported by an affidavit setting forth the following information:

(1) the name, address and telephone number of applicant;

(2) that the applicant is eighteen years of age or older;

(3) that the applicant agrees not to accept service of process in any case which the applicant is a party or counsel for a party;

(4) that the applicant agrees to follow the requirements of Civil Rules 4 through 4.6, and any applicable local rules, and specific instructions for service of process as ordered by the court in individual cases.

The applicant requesting the designation shall also submit an order captioned "In Re The Appointment of (name of applicant) As Standing Special Process Server," and stating as follows: "It appearing to the Court that the following applicant has complied with the provisions of Local Rule 33, (name of applicant) is hereby designated as a Special Process Server authorized to make service of process in all cases filed with this Court, to serve for one year, such year beginning on June 1 of the year filed and ending on May 31, of the following year." The order shall be signed by the Administrative Judge of Domestic Relations Court. The Clerk of Courts shall record such appointment on the Court's Special Docket, and shall retain the original applications and entries. In any case thereafter, the Clerk of Courts shall accept a time-stamped copy of such order as satisfying the requirements of Civil Rule 4.1(2) for designation by the Court of a person to make service of process. The cost for filing this application is $27.00.

(Effective June 1, 1993.)