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Rule 37: Order of Reference

Magistrates shall have the power to hear any pretrial or post-judgment motion in any case, and any trial of any case., as directed by the Assigned Judge. In addition, Magistrates shall have the power to hear Petitions for Domestic Violence Civil Protection Orders, both ex parte and full hearings, and related motions, as authorized by the Standing Order of Reference signed by the Administrative Judge, and shall issue a Magistrate’s Order in compliance with R.C. 3113.31, Civ.R. 53(D)(2)(a) and Civ.R. 65.1, and Sup.R. Form 10.01-H.

Magistrates shall exercise the general powers found in Civil Rule 53(C)(2) with the exception that Magistrates will not have the powers found in Civil Rule 53(C)(2)(e) or the power to issue temporary restraining orders pursuant to Civil Rule 75(H).

(Effective September 1, 1995. Amended effective April 1, 2015; August 15, 2016.)