Rule 7: Attorney of Record - January 16, 2019
(A) Entry of Appearance. An attorney representing a party in an action shall file an entry of appearance with the Clerk of Courts. The entry of appearance shall set forth the party being represented, the attorney’s address, telephone number, Supreme Court Registration Number, and e-mail address. The entry of appearance shall be served on all self-represented parties and counsel of record.
(B) Withdrawal. Upon entering an appearance as counsel for any party, an attorney shall not be relieved of responsibility unless:
- The attorney timely files a motion stating his/her the grounds for withdrawal withdrawing from the case;
- The motion complies with Rule 1.16 of the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct;
- The attorney certifies that the client has been notified of the request for withdrawal;
- The court grants the motion.
The court may deny an attorney’s request to withdraw for failure to comply with this rule or if a trial or final hearing date has been scheduled prior to the motion being filed.
(C) Limited Appearance by Attorney. By agreement with the client, an attorney’s new or existing representation may be limited consistent with Prof.Cond.R. 1.2(c) and Civ.R. 3(B). The attorney must file and serve a “Notice of Limited Appearance” that clearly describes the scope of the limited appearance and states that the limitation has been authorized by the client.
When an attorney has entered a limited appearance, any pleading, order, notice, brief or other paper that Civ.R. 5 requires to be served must be served on both the attorney and the attorney’s client.
As provided by Civ.R. 3(B), an attorney’s limited appearance may be terminated by filing and service of a “Notice of Completion of Limited Appearance.” By signing the Notice of Completion of Limited Appearance an attorney certifies under Civ.R. 11 that all of the services for which the attorney was retained have been completed. If no objection to the Notice of Completion of Limited Appearance is filed and served within 10 days, the attorney’s withdrawal is complete without the need for leave of court.
(Effective July 1, 1991. Amended effective July 1, 2010; January 16, 2019.)