An official County of Ohio site:
Official websites use

A website belongs to an official government organization in the Cuyahoga County of Ohio.

Secure .us or .gov websites use HTTPS

A lock or https:// means you've safely connected to the government website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

The .gov means it's official.

A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States

Request for Mediation

Is your mailing address private?
Is your telephone number private?
Why are you requesting mediation?
Is mediation court ordered in a prior entry?
Has a motion been filed?

Name and birth dates of minor child(ren) in this case.

Is there a Restraining Order or a Civil Protection Order currently in effect?
Have you notified the other party of your request for mediation?

By submitting this form you are authorizing the Court to contact the other party (Respondent or Petitioner) regarding your request for mediation services and what you are requesting to be modified. By submitting this form you acknowledge that Mediation services are voluntary by both parties and said services may be denied by the court for any reason.