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In all divorce, dissolution and legal separation actions where there are minor children the Court will allocate parental rights and responsibilities (formerly “custody”) for the care of the children, provided no other court has determined or is in the process of determining an allocation of parental rights of the same children.

This page contains links to information, forms and frequently asked questions about the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities.

Allocation of Parental Rights

In all divorce, dissolution, legal separation and annulment actions where there are minor children the Court will allocate parental rights and responsibilities for the care of the children.


Parenting Time

Parenting time is the time that the children spend with their parents. When making a determination of parental rights the Court will also order parenting time to the parent determined to be the nonresidential parent.



In divorce, dissolution, legal separation, and annulment cases involving children the Court may grant reasonable companionship time to grandparents, any person related to the child or other person.


Interviewing Minor Children

One factor the Court must consider when determining the best interest of minor children is the child’s wishes and concerns.

Modification of Parenting Orders

In order to modify a previous allocation of parental rights and responsibilities the party requesting the modification must show that a change has occurred in the circumstances of the child.