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Representing Yourself Help Center

Forms Help

Complete your forms online and find step-by-step information about the court process.

Cost to File

A filing fee is a deposit paid to the Clerk of Court to file a case. In some instances, the civil fee may be waived.


Forms for divorce, parenting, support, domestic violence, miscellaneous, and judgment entries.

Ordering a Transcript

The official court reporter will prepare written transcripts of the court proceedings.

Hearing Information

The judges and magistrates calendar including date, time, hearing type, location, and attorneys.

Public Defender

Legal representation in contempt and paternity proceedings for parties who are indigent.

Contact Information

Whitman, Anjanette, Director, Navigation Services Help Center
Zepp, Charles, Assistant Director, Navigation Services Help Center


First Floor Room 114

Hours Of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m.