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Domestic Violence Department

Court navigators help the public understand and file for a Domestic Relations Civil Protection Order or a Dating Violence Civil Protection Order. Navigators are in the Domestic Violence Department, Room 53 in the basement of the courthouse. Please be aware that this takes time, these are legal proceedings, and outcomes are not guaranteed. To be best prepared, call 216-443-7940 with any questions about the court process.

Although not required, you are encouraged to speak with a domestic violence advocate before filing. Advocates provide emotional support to victims of domestic violence throughout the proceedings. They can provide important community and safety resources.

A domestic violence advocate is present most days at the courthouse. However, you are encouraged to speak to the advocate before coming to court. The court process can be emotionally upsetting, and a safety plan should be in place. Call the Journey Center at (216) 443-3155 with any questions about safety planning options.


General information on domestic violence and dating violence.


List of domestic and dating violence forms that are provided to our Court by the Supreme Court of Ohio.

Questions About Domestic Violence


Contact Information

Scheduler Phone - (216) 443-8286


Ground Floor Room 53

Hours Of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m.

  • Cuyahoga County Witness/Victim Service Center: (216) 443-7345
  • Domestic Violence Help Line: (216) 391-4357
  • Journey Center for Safety and Healing: (216) 229-2420
  • Catholic Charities: (440) 843-5501
  • Jewish Family Service Association: (216) 292-3999
  • The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland: (216) 687-1900
  • The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association: (216) 696-3525
  • Safe at Home - Ohio's Address Confidentiality Program
  • National Human Traffic Hotline: 1-888-373-7888, TTY: 711, Text* 233733